The Ajax affordable housing apartment building design won the competition put on by the city of Ajax for funding of affordable housing units. The design is sensitive to the surrounding context, a mix of industrial, commercial and civic insitutions, while adhering to a very tight budget.
From hospice research to design, to zoning, to negotiations with provincial heritage and city planners, I had a the opportunity to meaningfully participate in the architectural process, in close collaboration with one of the partners at Hilditch, Charles Rosenberg. Aside from the functional and regulatory requirements of designing a hospice, successfully integrating the new addition into the heritage landscape was the most challenging aspect of the project. The massing of the addition mirrors the massing of the heritage house while contrasting the weight and “hominess” of the heritage house with a light, airy addition. Creating a space that was psychologically uplifiting for both sick children and healthy children with sick parents was the primary concern. And of course connecting to the outdoors was a natural focus given the park setting.
The Wigwamen Madison proposal was for 90 units of affordable housing for seniors, particularly aboriginal seniors. The principles of design included bringing ample natural light into the units and facilitating the development of a strong community within the building through well-placed and well-organized communal spaces while being sensitive to the view of the property from Casa Loma, a heritage tourist attraction up the hill to the north of the site.
When: Oct. 2006 – Aug. 2007 + Jan. – Apr. 2008
What: Architectural Assistant
Who: Charles Rosenberg, partner, 416.593.6500
Key duties: Design, Research, Competitions, Client meetings, City meetings, Site meetings, Construction management, Consultant co-ordination, Working drawings,
Costing, Permits, Specification, Tender, MOHLTC reports.
Software used: Sketchup, PowerCad, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator.