ph5 Architecture

Four three-bedroom units in two buildings are proposed as a prototype for a single end-lot in a new zoning area in South-East Vancouver know as Norquay Village. Designed in close consultation with City of Vancouver planners, these units offer affordable housing options for families wishing to live in the city. I participated in the building’s design (including VBBL and BCBC requirements), the preparation of rezoning and development permit packages, consultation with the developer, the City and consultants, and presentation of the proposals to the client and the City. As with all rezoning proposals in the City of Vancouver, these buildings are designed to LEED Gold standards.


An extensive renovation to this West Vancouver house and yard, the Percy House project required close collaboration with the clients, contractors, engineers, and building department to negotiate shifting designs and responses to as-built conditions. A geo-located digital model helped us design a trellis which offers shade for the outdoor dining area at specific times requested by the client while minimizing obstruction of the garden view.


A small but significant addition to the front of the Main Street Burgoo Restaurant extends the restaurant into an indoor/outdoor space featuring large sliding windows and ample skylights.  I prepared as-built drawings, and DP and BP permit sets for the City of Vancouver as well participated in the detailing, specification and design of this addition.

When: 2011 – 2013
What: Architectural Assistant
Who: Peeroj Thakre, principal 604.605.1556

Key duties: Design, competitions, client meetings, city meetings, site meetings, consultant coordination, working drawings, City of Vancouver rezoning, development and building permit sets, specification.   

Software used: Sketchup, Vetorworks, Photoshop, Indesign, Excel.